fuzzy predicate

英 [ˈfʌzi ˈpredɪkət] 美 [ˈfʌzi ˈpredɪkət]

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  1. The LIKE predicate can therefore be used as a fuzzy join predicate.
  2. One New Method of Measure of Medium Truth Scale and Decomposition of Fuzzy Predicate
  3. A new formal deductive system for fuzzy predicate calculus
  4. The new concepts of the truth degree is proposed which bases on respectively finite interpretation and enumerable interpretation of the formulas of fuzzy predicate logic, and a series of properties are discussed.
  5. A Fuzzy Synthesis Decision-Making Algorithm of Chinese Predicate Recognition
  6. In Boolean operator fuzzy logic, the generalized lock resolution is generalized complete if the same predicate symbols Rave the same index.
  7. It is proved that the model is simple, effective and practical. To solve the concrete problems in constructing fuzzy decision expert systems, the rule match, fuzzy predicate calculus, knowledge representation and problem solving mode of the model are mainly described in this paper.
  8. In this paper, we gave the definition of truth degree based on the interval interpretation of first-order fuzzy predicate logic ( or first-order fuzzy language) formulas by introducing the new ( concept) of evaluation on variable set, and discuss its a series of properties.